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DOH-Sarasota Urges Residents and Visitors to be Aware of the Health Risks Associated with Flooding

By GS Huard

October 02, 2024

Sarasota County, Fla. — Post Hurricane Helene, the Florida Department of Health in Sarasota County (DOH-Sarasota) urges residents to be aware of the health risks associated with flooding and other issues. Skin contact with flood waters does not, by itself, pose a serious health risk. However, health hazards are a concern when waters are or become contaminated with bacteria or contain dangerous debris.

 DOH-Sarasota recommends the following to prevent illness or injury from flood waters

  • Basic hygiene is critical. If you are under a boil water notice, use commercially bottled water for mixing baby formula. Wash your hands with soap and either disinfected or boiled and cooled water, especially before preparing or eating food, after toilet use, after handling a soiled diaper, after participating in flood cleanup activities, and after handling objects contaminated with flood water or sewage.
  • Avoid eating for drinking anything that has been contaminated with flood waters.
  • Avoid contact with flood waters, especially if you have open cuts or sores.
  • If you have any open cuts or sores and come in contact with flood waters, wash the area well with soap to prevent infection. If a wound develops redness, swelling, or drainage, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Residents who sustain lacerations and/or puncture wounds are encouraged to contact their primary health care provider to make sure they are current on their tetanus vaccine and possibly get a booster.

 If your area has a boil-water notice, DOH-Sarasota recommends these tips: 

  • Once water reaches a boiling point, let it continue to boil for an additional minute.
  • Even if you have an installed water filter, continue to boil water before using it.
  • Use clean or bottled water to wash fruits and vegetables or to prepare drinks. 

DOH-Sarasota reminds the community to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes by taking these basic precautions

  • Protect yourself with repellent by applying it to exposed skin.
  • Drain standing water around your home.
  • Keep screens on all windows and repair any holes. 

If you have lost power and are using a generator, DOH-Sarasota reminds you to use it safely: 

  • Carbon dioxide (CO) is invisible and odorless but inhaling it can cause serious health issues and even death, because portable generators produce high levels of CO very quickly.
  • Never use generators indoors or in your garage. All gas-powered or charcoal-burning equipment should be run outdoors, well away from windows and doors.
  • Make sure your CO detector is working if you have one installed. 

DOH-Sarasota also recommends these post-storm tips for mold clean-up: 

  • Any items soaked with floor waters that can’t be cleaned or dried completely within 24 to 48 hours should be disposed of.
  • Open all doors and windows when removing wet or moldy items to avoid exposure.
  • Scrub wet surfaces with detergent and water to remove visible mold.
  • Remove visible mold before painting or caulking.
  • Never mix bleach with other cleansers or ammonia to avoid health issues. 

For more information call 941-861-2900 or visit 


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