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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Indoor Tanning Beds and Booths

Environmental Public Health

Sarasota EPH OfficeVenice EPH Office

County Health Departments inspect indoor tanning beds and booths twice per year to verify their safe and sanitary operation.

Apply for a License

Licenses for tanning facilities are issued by the county health department.
How to obtain a tanning facilities license:
  1. Contact the Environmental Health office and consult with an Environmental Specialist. 
  2. Submit all necessary paperwork to Environmental Health, including
    1. A floor plan drawn to scale of the facility
    2. license application and required operating and safety procedures
    3. The required license fee. The fee is based on the number of tanning devices in your facility. The health department can help you calculate the correct fee for your facility.

Tanning Facility licenses are renewed annually.

More information, including certain forms and instructions, can be found at: