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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Costs and Eligibility

Eligibility Office

SarasotaNorth Port Health Center

Cost of Services

The Florida Department of Health in Sarasota County (DOH-Sarasota) works to make sure its services are available to as many people as possible. We offer services on a sliding fee scale to eligible individuals. The cost of a service depends on your ability to pay. There is no cost associated with some services. Other services require you to pay if you have the ability. Your ability to pay is determined by the Eligibility office.

The best way to find out the cost of a particular service, once you know your eligibility status, is to contact that service department directly. You can find contact information listed under each service's web page.

Eligibility Requirements

Many services are available to anyone; other services require you to meet certain eligibility requirements prior to receiving the service.

The following services have no eligibility requirements, though some require financial screening and/or fees:

Health Card

You must have a Health Card (previously called a Clinic Card) to receive some services. A Health Card allows access to our sliding fee scale (where fees vary depending on your ability to pay) even for services not covered by your health insurance. Eligibility specialists work with new clients to go over their individual situations and documentation.

If you need Specialty Services, we ask that you first apply to Medicaid to see if you are eligible for that program.

To obtain a Health Card, please provide:
  • Completed, signed and dated Client Registration Form
  • IOS (Initiation Of Services) Form
  • Verification of all Household Income
  • Photo ID (U.S. or foreign government ID)
  • Social Security cards/numbers (all family members)
  • Proof of Sarasota County residency (required of some clients for referrals)One piece of mail received in your name within the last 30 days
  • Proof of insurance (if applicable)
  • Verification of Alien Status (if applicable - for non-U.S. citizens)
  • Verification of total gross household income for the four most recent weeks, which may include:
    • Pay stubs (or for a new job, provide a letter from your employer stating hours, rate of pay, and how often paid)
    • Bank statements - from most recent month for all accounts
    • Other income - proof of monthly amount of any income from Social Security, alimony, child support, Unemployment / Workers Compensation, pensions, trusts, bank accounts, rental income, etc.
    • If self-employed, provide most recent 3 months’ business ledgers/records and most recent 3 months’ bank statements
    • If you are supported by someone else, provide a written statement of support including that person’s name, address, and phone number; the date, and the amount you receive each month. Letter of support form.
  • Additional information may be required on a case-by-case basis.

This list is for informational purposes only; please FAX all forms and information to 941-526-1531. To determine what information will be required of you, please provide a good phone number so we can contact you. You will be contacted if additional information is needed and to advise you of case status.

  • Forms (English)
  • Forms (Spanish)

Usted puede descargar las formas que aplican a su situación usando las enlaces abajo, llenarlas y traerlas consigo cuando viene a la oficina de Elegibilidad.

What if I don't have health insurance?

Take this quick survey to see if you may be eligible for Medicaid.

Florida KidCare provides coverage for eligible children under age 19.

Health Insurance Marketplace for Answer a few fast questions to see plans with personalized price estimates before you apply.