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Children's Immunizations


Immunizations - RinglingImmunizations - North Port
Immunization Form

Use this link to register, upload immunization records, request appointments, refugee documentation, and travel itinerary.

Need a certified 680 shot records for School Entry?

Parents can get a certified 680 for school entry by mailing us their children's immunization records to:

The Immunization Program
2200 Ringling Blvd.,
Sarasota, FL 34237

The records should contain name of the parents/ guardians and complete demographic information including phone number for contact. Please do not send original documents in the mail.

Effective on February 13, 2023, If you are dropping off vaccine records to be transferred, you must provide us a legible copy of the vaccine record. We will no longer accept original records to make copies on your behalf.

Records may be dropped at one of our clinics (see locations and hours below) or securely faxed to 941-526-1532.

Records faxed or dropped off at one of our clinics may take 3- business days to be transferred. The ones sent by mail may take up to 7 business days to be transferred.

Records written in an alphabet other than Latin, such as Cyrillic, Greek, Armenian, Georgian, Hangul, Hanzi, Kana, Arabic, and Hebrew, will need to be translated and sent along with the original ones.

Childhood Immunizations

Immunizations are a safe, effective way to protect your child from getting measles, whooping cough, and many other serious vaccine preventable diseases. We offer the immunizations required for school and child care.

Many immunizations are available at no cost to eligible children through the federally funded Vaccines For Children program. We accept Medicaid, Florida Blue (excluding MyBlue), and Aetna. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or relatives listed in Florida Statutes 743.0645. Adults must show a government-issued ID. In addition, parents of children coming for their first visit to our clinic must bring the child's birth certificate or passport.

We will do our best to see walk-ins for vaccines. However, it will depend on the slots available. Therefore, we encourage clients to call and make an appointment.

*Previous shot records are required.

Locations and Hours

William L. Little Health and Human Services Center
Ringling Blvd., Sarasota

North Port Health Center

Required Immunizations for School and Child Care

Children must be immunized in order to attend any Florida public school as well as any private school or child (day) care center. This includes children who are homeschooled. By the time a child starts school he/she should have already had a number of required immunizations. However, proof of updates, boosters, and series completion is required to enter Sarasota County Schools for the first time and to advance to some grade levels.

Need copies of shot records for school or child (day) care?

  1. Check with your child’s school or private doctor.
  2. Please ask them to fax the record to us at 941-526-1532.
  3. Our staff can then transfer the record to the required DH 680 form.

If you are unable to have your child’s records faxed from their school or doctor:

  1. Please call our Immunizations clinic at 941-861-2784.
  2. Provide your child’s name and date of birth.
  3. Our staff can determine if your child’s record is in the statewide registry.
  4. If not, you will be provided with more information about how to proceed.